Opportunities to Get Involved
Action Research Summer Camp
Opportunities to Get Involved
Participants are expected to:
- attend all preparatory online meetings and the core in-person week in June. A compulsory reading list will be made available. The schedule of virtual meetings will be announced when you receive confirmation from Suttneruni that you have been admitted to the course, i.e. around the beginning of December.
- read up before each meeting during the preparatory phase (March to June). If you cannot participate, e.g., due to time zone conflicts, recordings will be provided.
- create plans for their own community- and action-based research during the in-person week. You are encouraged to either implement PAR with ongoing efforts or begin a newly designed project.
- cooperate with others, e.g. in small groups, and support joint learning during the intensive week. Participants will share their progress in a concluding presentation.
- take over minor duties and daily tasks (chores) to support our self-organizing during the Camp week (e.g. catering crew, cleaning public spaces, collecting firewood etc.).
- give us feedback. We invite you to participate in the final written evaluation so that we can continually improve our course.
Participants are encouraged to:
- contribute to program preparation and implementation by offering cases from their own work for group analysis.
- lead exercises related to arts-based learning or offer any practice that supports our learning process (e.g. yoga sessions, body work).
- become part of our community of practice. After completion, you can join a group of people scattered all over the world working with PAR. We organize virtual sessions according to the activities and needs of our members. No charge except for the effort it takes to participate.

Study Service, International Office, Senate Assistent
Amalia Dicketmüller
+43 676 847 22 88 48