Dokumente/Publikationen |
Monographien |
Embedded Enterprise (Autor*in)
2019 |
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Europe (Autor*in)
2019 |
Community-based Entrepreneurship and Rural Development: Creating Favourable Conditions for Small Businesses in Central Europe (Autor*in)
2012 |
Zentraleuropäische Gemeindeentwicklung: Gestaltung günstiger Rahmenbedingungen für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe durch grenzüberschreitenden Knowhowtransfer (Autor*in)
2008 |
Herausgegebene Bücher/Publikationen |
Housing cooperatives and housing systems (Special Issue in Housing Studies - ongoing) (Herausgeber*innenschaft)
2022 |
Collaborative Housing in Europe: Conceptualising the field (Special Issue in Housing, Theory and Society, Vol. 37, No. 1) (Herausgeber*innenschaft)
2020 |
The Governance of Co-operative Housing: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives (Special Issue in International Journal of Co-operative Management, Vol. 6, No. 2) (Herausgeber*innenschaft)
2013 |
Artikel |
Sharing-economy business models (Submission to R&D Management - R&R decision) (Autor*in)
2022 |
The 'empty house' model (Submission to Journal of Management Studies - R&R decision) (Autor*in)
2022 |
Uncovering Social Sustainability in Housing Systems through the Lens of Institutional Capital: A Study of Two Housing Alliances in Vienna, Austria (Autor*in)
2021 |
Collaborative Housing Research (1990– 2017): A Systematic Review and Thematic Analysis of the Field (Autor*in)
2020 |
Collaborative Housing in Europe: Conceptualizing the Field (Introduction to Special Issue) (Autor*in)
2020 |
Field emergence in civil society: A theoretical framework and its application to community-led housing organisations in England (Autor*in)
2020 |
Grassroots innovations in community-led housing in England: the role and evolution of intermediaries (Autor*in)
2020 |
Rural social entrepreneurship: The role of social capital within and across institutional levels (Autor*in)
2019 |
The role of the local institutional context in understanding collaborative housing models: empirical evidence from Austria (Autor*in)
2018 |
Social Entrepreneurship in Marginalised Rural Europe: Towards Evidence-Based Policy for Enhanced Social Innovation (Autor*in)
2017 |
Trust, Social Capital, and the Coordination of Relationships Between the Members of Cooperatives: A Comparison Between Member-Focused Cooperatives and Third-Party- Focused Cooperatives (Autor*in)
2016 |
Place-Attachment and Social Legitimacy: Revisiting the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Journey (Autor*in)
2015 |
The effect of return migration driven social capital on SME internationalisation: a comparative case study of IT sector entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe. (Autor*in)
2015 |
Cooperative Housing and Social Cohesion: The Role of Linking Social Capital (Autor*in)
2014 |
Understanding Place-Based Entrepreneurship in Rural Central Europe. A Comparative Institutional Analysis. (Autor*in)
2014 |
Local responses to global technological change. Contrasting restructuring practices in two rural communities in Austria. (Autor*in)
2013 |
The Governance of Co-operative Housing: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives (Guest Editorial) (Autor*in)
2013 |
Contextualizing the Governance of Community Co-operatives: Evidence from Austria and Germany. (Autor*in)
2011 |
Sozialkapital als Basis für das Lobbying von KMU (Autor*in)
2010 |
Das Schaffen günstiger Rahmenbedingungen für KMU: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Gestaltungsräume ländlicher Gemeinden in Mitteleuropa. (Autor*in)
2009 |
Trust and the successful co-ordination of SME cooperation – an empirical study in Slovenia (Autor*in)
2009 |
Submission to Journal of Business Ethics "Collaborative Place-Renewal" (rejected 2nd round) (Autor*in)
Beiträge in Sammelbänden |
Zur Rolle von Kooperationen im Nonprofit-Sektor am Beispiel der Entwicklung von Grassroots Innovationen im Wohnbau (Autor*in)
2022 |
How context shapes the character of cooperative social enterprises: Insights from various countries (Autor*in)
2021 |
Bringing localism into practice through co-operative housing governance: The prospects for community-led housing in England (Autor*in)
2019 |
Social sustainability and collaborative housing: Lessons from an international comparative study (Autor*in)
2019 |
Collaborative housing models in Vienna through the lens of social innovation (Autor*in)
2018 |
Entrepreneurship Research with Passion: A Note on the Aesthetics of Basic Research (Autor*in)
2016 |
Entrepreneurship Research without passion – Let’s fall in love again (Autor*in)
2016 |
The Co-operative Identity of Collaborative Housing Models in Austria (Autor*in)
2016 |
The Mobilisation of Linking Social Capital in Community-led Housing in England (Autor*in)
2015 |
"Sooo gut schmeckt die Bucklige Welt": Genügt eine Umbrella-Marke als Kooperationsinhalt? (Autor*in)
2014 |
Citizen-based Co-operatives in the Field of Renewable Energy: The Case of Solargenossenschaft Rosenheim (Autor*in)
2014 |
Die Solargenossenschaft Rosenheim: Die Genossenschaft als Rahmen für Bürgerbeteiligung? (Autor*in)
2014 |
Co-operative Governance of Public-Citizen Partnerships: Two Diametrical Participation Modes (Autor*in)
2013 |
Genossenschafts- und kooperationswissenschaftliche Forschungsfelder (Autor*in)
2013 |
Social Capital of Residents in Cooperative Housing: Empirical Evidence from Vienna (Autor*in)
2013 |
Social Sustainability in Cooperative Housing (Autor*in)
2013 |
Soziale Nachhaltigkeit im genossenschaftlichen Wohnbau (Autor*in)
2013 |
Sozialkapital und Wohnungsbau (Autor*in)
2011 |
The Role of Social Capital in the Development of Community-Based Co-operatives (Autor*in)
2010 |
Rezensionen |
Review of "Hybridising housing organisations: Meaning, concepts and processes of social enterprise in housing", ed. by David Mullins, Darinka Czischke and Gerard van Bortel. (Autor*in)
2016 |
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen |
Co-Supervision PhD (WU Vienna) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2022 |
Cooperative Management: A Literature Review (Autor*in)
2022 |
Geflüchtete in gemeinschaftlichen Wohnprojekten (Autor*in)
2022 |
Co-supervision PhD (JKU Linz) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2019 |
Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen als Quelle sozialer Sicherheit im Alter (Autor*in)
2019 |
Hope For Housing - Conference Report (Autor*in)
2018 |
Bringing real localism into practice through co-operative housing governance. The role and prospects for community-led housing in England. (Autor*in)
2015 |
Real localism for co-operative housing (Autor*in)
2014 |
External Supervisor PhD (KU Leuven) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Country report: Austria (Autor*in)
Forschung und Projekte |
Entrepreneurship and Place (Kooperation, Partnereinrichtung)
2022 |
Open youth work as a cultural, educational and socially relevant location factor (Kooperation)
2022 |
Socio-spatial framework conditions for inclusive housing in rural and small-town areas (SPUR) (Projektleitung)
2022 |
Migration and housing (MICOLL) (Partnereinrichtung, Projektpartner*in)
2021–2022 |
Affordable housing: realising co-housing and co-living for economically vulnerable groups (Partnereinrichtung, Projektpartner*in)
2021 |
Inclusivity in Urban and Neighbourhood Transformation (Partnereinrichtung, Projektpartner*in)
2021 |
Neudenken von Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung durch kommunale Einbindung und Partizipatives Technologie Design (Partnereinrichtung, Projektpartner*in)
2021 |
Sozialräumliche Rahmenbedingungen für inklusive Wohnformen für Menschen mit psychischen Beeinträchtigungen in ländlichen und kleinstädtischen Räumen Niederösterreichs (Partnereinrichtung, Projektpartner*in)
2021 |
Migration and housing in Bergsjön in Gothenburg (Partnereinrichtung, Projektpartner*in)
2020 |
Fellowships und Gastaufenthalte |
Guest Lectureship Poznań University of Economics and Business (Vortragende*r)
2021 |
IFI Fellow at JKU Linz (Fellow/Stipendiat*in)
2021 |
Honorary Senior Research Fellow at University of Birmingham (Fellow/Stipendiat*in)
2017 |
Lehrprojekte & externe Lehre |
Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten |
Supervision of Master Thesis (University of Birmingham) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2017 |
Lehrprojekte & externe Lehre |
Gemeinschaftliche Wohnprojekte und neues soziales Wohnen (Vortragende*r)
2023 |
Jugendgemeinde 2050 (Projektleitung)
2022–2023 |
Lecturer in the International Module in Spatial Development Planning (IMSDP) 2021 (Vortragende*r)
2021 |
Teaching research project "Caritas Upper Austria Innovation-HUB" (Projektleitung)
2021 |
20. VWL Perspektiven Seminar (Vortragende*r)
2020 |
Bachelor Professional "Kommunales Management und innovative Gemeindeentwicklung" (Projektleitung)
Community participation in the provision of affordable and sustainable housing (Vortragende*r)
Masterstudium "Responsible Management und regionale Entwicklung" (Projektleitung)
Konferenzen & Symposien |
9th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Conference Review, Jury)
2022–2023 |
Coordination of Collaborative Housing Workshop at the ENHR Conference 2022 (Moderation, Workshopleitung)
2022 |
Erste österreichische Social Economy Konferenz (Organisation, Teilnahme)
2022 |
Coordination of Collaborative Housing Workshop at the ENHR Conference 2021 (Moderation, Workshopleitung)
2021 |
Session Chair 1st Meeting of Working Group 3 “Towards an enabling ecosystem for social enterprises" of Horizon 2020 COST Action CA16206 (Vorsitz)
2020 |
The history of housing cooperatives (Moderation, Veranstalter*in, Workshopleitung)
2020 |
Konferenzbeiträge |
Collaborative Housing and the Challenge of Social Inclusion (Diskussion, Panel-Teilnahme, Präsentation, Vortragende*r)
2022 |
Collaborative housing models and their integration potential for migrants and refugees (Vortragende*r)
2022 |
Die Vielfalt der Social Economy in Österreich (Keynote Rede, Vortragende*r)
2022 |
Gemeinschaftliche Wohnprojekte und neues soziales Wohnen (Präsentation, Vortragende*r)
2022 |
Herausforderungen und Potenziale von inklusiven Wohnprojekten und Nachbarschaftsinitiativen (Präsentation, Vortragende*r)
2022 |
Projekt MICOLL (Autor*in, Panel-Teilnahme, Vortragende*r)
2022 |
The potential of collaborative housing models for social housing production (Präsentation, Vortragende*r)
2022 |
Growth and Diffusion Strategies in Cooperative Housing in Austria: A Historical Analysis (Vortragende*r)
2021 |
Kooperationen im Non-Profit Sektor und ihr Potenzial für soziale Innovationen (Cooperations in the non-profit sector and their potential for social innovations) (Vortragende*r)
2021 |
VieTra Conference 2021 (Teilnahme)
2021 |
A Historical Perspective on the Growth and Diffusion Strategies of Cooperative Housing in Austria (Autor*in, Veranstalter*in, Vortragende*r)
2020 |
Funktionen & Tätigkeiten |
Mitgliedschaften |
#upperREGION Award (Jury)
2022 |
WiR – Wirtschaft in der Region (Jury)
2022 |
#upperREGION Award (Jury)
2021 |
Berufungskommission für die Professur Psychotherapie an der Bertha von Suttner Privatuniversität (Berufungskommission, Vorsitz)
2021 |
4th Management Committee Meeting of Horizon 2020 COST Action: CA16206 - "Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" (Vorstandsmitglied)
2020 |
Membership Academy of Management (Mitgliedschaft)
2019–2020 |
Selection committee for excellence scholarships at JKU Linz (Faculty for Social and Economic Sciences) (Mitgliedschaft)
2018–2021 |
Management Committee (MC) Horizon 2020 COST Action: CA16206 - "Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" (Vorstandsmitglied)
2017–2021 |
Working Group Coordinator "Collaborative Housing" within the European Network for Housing Research (Vorstandsmitglied)
2017–2021 |
Membership European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) (Mitgliedschaft)
2015–2022 |
Expert*innentätigkeiten |
Review: Housing Studies (Gutachter*in)
2022 |
Review: Technological Forecasting & Social Change (Gutachter*in)
2022 |
Review: Technological Forecasting & Social Change (Gutachter*in)
2022 |
Review: International Journal of Housing Policy (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Regional Studies (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Rural Sociology (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Technological Forecasting & Social Change (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Technological Forecasting & Social Change (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: sub\urban - Zeitschrift für kritische und transdisziplinäre Stadtforschung (Gutachter*in)
2021 |
Review: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (Gutachter*in)
2020–2021 |
Review: Urban Research and Practice (Gutachter*in)
2020–2021 |
Review: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Review: Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Review: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Review: Social Enterprise Journal (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Review: Social Enterprise Journal (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Review: Voluntas - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Reviewer for Berlin University Alliance (Gutachter*in)
2020 |
Review: Housing Studies (Gutachter*in)
2019–2020 |
Review: Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (Gutachter*in)
2019–2020 |
Review: Voluntas - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (Gutachter*in)
2019–2020 |
Sonstige Funktionen & Tätigkeiten |
Coordination Committee Meeting of the European Network for Housing Research (Teilnahme)
2022 |
MICOLL Core Partner International Exchange (Moderation, Organisation, Workshopleitung)
2022 |
Summer School 2022 Symposium - IBA Research Lab (Diskussion)
2022 |
Caritas OÖ Forschungsforum (Teilnahme)
2021 |
Head of curriculum design team for new Master’s program at Bertha von Suttner Private University (Konzept)
2021 |
MICOLL Austrian Stakeholder Workshop (Vortragende*r, Workshopleitung)
2021 |
Supervision of Master Thesis (JKU Linz) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2020–2021 |
Supervision of Master Thesis (JKU Linz) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2020 |
Supervision of Master Thesis (JKU Linz) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2020 |
Supervision of Master Thesis (JKU Linz) (Betreuung (akadem. Abschlussarbeit))
2020 |
Associate Member at the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM), University of Birmingham (Fellow/Stipendiat*in)
2018–2021 |