Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Lang, Privatdozent
Titel | Management Committee (MC) Horizon 2020 COST Action: CA16206 - "Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" |
Typ | Expert*innentätigkeit |
Texte | This EMPOWER-SE Action aims at (1) contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the diversity of SE models emerging across Europe and globally; their conditions of emergence and development; and their contribution to key industries for the development of sustainable societies by overcoming existing fragmentation in the levels of knowledge from both a geographical and a disciplinary point of view; (2) empowering the next generation of SE scholars, focusing on expanding the SE scientific community to less research-intensive countries where it is still embryonic or non-existing; and (3) fostering evidence-based policy from local to European levels and supporting the development of SE and their eco-systems in synergy with main industry representatives and stakeholders. The Action will implement networking mechanisms (working groups, conferences, meetings, workshops for policy-makers, local stakeholder talks, short-term scientific missions, training schools, communication tools including stakeholders briefs, and web-based dissemination) to connect fragmented communities and to contribute to closing the gap between the scientific community, policy-makers and society throughout Europe and beyond. |
Beteiligung | Lang Richard: Vorstandsmitglied |
Datum, Zeit und Ort | Datum: 2017-08-04 - 2021-11-26 |