Univ.-Prof. Dr. Aglaja Przyborski
Titel | Digital Humanism 2020 |
Untertitel | Participation and Visibility in Hybrid Realities - Negotiating Digitalisation in Public Transport |
Typ | WWTF Projekt |
Texte | allgemeiner Text: The project investigates how socio-technical realities are negotiated and (re-)produced in digitally
augmented (semi-)public spaces. Centred around questions of social participation and visibility in these hybrid realities, we will design digital interventions in transient physical spaces, that allow participants to explore layers of data, i.e. digital realities, and their own relation to them. In designated compartments of commuter trains, fleetingly composed social groups of participants can interact with projections and use an augmented reality app to explore and negotiate data that describe them and the surroundings the train passes through. The digitally augmented experiences are designed to create dialectic confrontations with the layers of our socio-material reality. We create a novel public space that facilitates negotiation and critical reflection processes on the roles of humans within socio-technical futures which produce and order societal power-relations. Augmented Reality in this project is used as a means to create Critical Design interventions that open novel “agoras” on our existence in hybrid realities. This trans-disciplinary approach will produce contributions to our understanding of a new Digital Humanism, in terms of a novel method of inquiry, new theory on socio-technical order, practical insights in building technologies for negotiation as well as the actual outcomes of negotiating digital futures. Status: abgelehnt |
Projektleitung | Frauenberger, Christopher |
Projektpartner*innen | Przyborski Aglaja Pfadenhauer, Michaela |
Förderung | Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds |
Förderkategorie | WWTF Call Digital Humanism 2020 |
Beteiligung | Universität Wien: Leitung Bertha von Suttner Privatuniversität St. Pölten : Kooperation |
Datum | Datum: 2020-09-30 - |
Status | abgelehnt |
URL | https://www.wwtf.at/digital_humanism/ |