Applications for the 2025 course through our registration plattform are open October 1 through November 15, 2024. ERASMUS+ partner university students and faculty apply directly through local contact (starting mid-September 2024).
The course participants and the members of the Waldhüttl community, our venue, are based across different countries in Europe and beyond. The Camp will use English as the main language for communication, but many other languages will be spoken on site. There is no need to provide proof of your language proficiency.
All applicants are requested to submit a 2-3 page letter of interest (3,000 to 4,000 characters) along with a short CV. These details will be used to select a group of 25 to 30 participants. Please provide us with your motivation to participate in the programme and highlight any relevant experience related to it.
See below how to participate. Please also read the terms and conditions!

Applicants from ERASMUS+ Partner Universities
If you are a student enrolled at one of our partner universities or a faculty member, you can use the course as an outgoing mobility opportunity, as the Camp is offered as a "Blended Intensive Programme", BIP for short. Funds to cover your travel expenses will be provided by your home institution through the ERASMUS+ Individual Mobility initiative.
Brief Guide for Students and Staff from Partners Cooperating in the BIP CAMP
- Prepare a 2-3 page letter of interest (3,000-4,000 characters) and a short CV.
- Send your application, including these two documents, to your home institution by November 15. Your local contact will nominate and shortlist candidates and then forward this list to the coordinator at Suttneruni.
- You will receive an invitation from Suttneruni to register through their application portal. You will be asked to attach the original letter of interest and CV, as well as a photo ID.
- Suttneruni will confirm your application with an automated response.
- Suttneruni will confirm your final admission to the Camp after reviewing your application.
- Obtain information from your local contact about the mobility grant and, if you are a student, about the ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement to be signed between your home institution and Suttneruni.
Eligibility Criteria for Students and Staff in “Blended Intensive Programmes”.
- Students in any cycle (bachelor, master and doctoral levels) who participate in the course are entitled to a fixed travel allowance of € 79 per day for the entire mobility period (usually 9-10 days) to offset expenses related to travel, food, and accommodation. Students can also combine this short study period abroad with a traineeship (min. 2 months), possibly at the Waldhüttl or another organization in Austria, to further enhance the learning outcomes and development of transversal skills.
- If you are staff member of a partner university cooperating in this BIP hosted by Suttneruni, you attend the Camp as a professional development activity. You are using the Camp as a training course (training period) or as an opportunity to teach abroad (teaching period) and are eligible for financial support according to the staff mobility schemes.
These funds are provided by the ERASMUS+ Individual Mobility initiative and will be disbursed by your home institution as the sending institution on the basis of an Inter-Institutional Agreement with Suttneruni as the host and receiving institution. For more information, please get in touch with your local contact person for the BIP CAMP or your International Office. You can also consult the ERASMUS+ Programme Guide and the website of your National Agency.
Contact at Your Home Institution:
University College Cork (UCC), Ireland:
Dr. Martin Galvin, Civic and Community Engagement & Ciara O'Halloran, Programme Officer. Email to: and
University of Gdańsk (UG), Poland (tbc):
Ass.Prof. Elżbieta Czapka, Institute of Sociology & Center for Sustainable Development (CZRUG) & International Border Studies Center (IBSC). Email to:
Malmö University, Sweden
Assoc. Prof. Margareta Rämgård and Assoc. Sen. Lect. Rathi Ramji, both Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Care Science. Email to: and
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic:
Dr. Alice Gojová & Iveta Kowolová, Faculty of Social Studies. Email to:
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (DHBW-VS), Germany
Claudia Rzepka, Head of International Office & Prof. Dr. Karin E. Sauer, Faculty of Social Sciences. Email to: &
Process overview for students and staff of partner universities

Independent Applicants as well as for Students and Faculty of Suttneruni
We welcome applications from around the world! The Summer School extends a warm invitation to advanced and doctoral students, as well as researchers. In addition, activists, community practitioners, and individuals affiliated with governmental and non-profit organizations are welcomed to become part of this program, contributing to their vocational development and professional advancement. We urge students and colleagues at Suttneruni to take full advantage of this opportunity.
Brief Guide for Independent Applicants and Faculty of Suttneruni
- Prepare a 2-3 page letter of interest (3,000-4,000 characters) and a short CV.
- Register via Suttneruni's application portal by November 15. You will be asked to upload these two documents, along with a photo ID.
- Suttneruni will confirm your application with an automated response.
- After Suttneruni nominates and shortlists you, they will confirm your successful application and request payment of the participation fee.
- As soon as Suttneruni has received your payment, they will confirm your place.
Process overview for independent applicants and members of Suttneruni